
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Some Recent Studies, and One Just for Fun

Hello Internet land!

My friends I have a sour confession to make...

I failed to update my blog last week 0.0
A crime most grievous I know. However I'm going to try to make up for it by posting twice by the end of this week. So for the first post I'm going to share a few iPad sketches done in the past week or so.

The first one is a really quick creature idea.

And the second is the skull of an orangutan I found lying about in the new science building at UVU.

Finally the third is a digital Plein Air I did of the view of Utah Lake, and the west mountains from the Gunther Trades Building on UVU campus.

I find that I have some from-life-study-time most mornings at school; mostly do to the fact that I have to get there a couple hours early to make sure I have a parking spot. So I plan to use this time exploring campus looking for interesting things to study.

As always I am very grateful to you, my friends, for stopping by and checking out my progress. Your comments and opinions always well recieved. Love you all, and thanks again, and I'll see you soon. <3

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